17 September 2021

A small sweet treats came in time...


Today is a bad day for me, 2nd breakdown in my workplace. It has been awhile since I couldn’t control my emotion. I feel wronged... I thought I did a lot already, but still seems to be insufficient. I missed out updating his calendar today. Initially I decided to continue with my usual update into his calendar, despite there’s calendar invite sent by the organisers. Because if the meeting is cancelled & organiser deleted from the calendar, the invite will be removed completely. I cannot remember which meeting was it if I was asked, I also afraid that I may have accidentally deleted it (especially when I somehow had the impression that there’s a meeting but why is the slot empty...). Still, it backfired. No matter what I did, somehow it always get backfired. 

First, it’s my mistake for not removing it as I missed out. Ended up I sabotage others, my colleague who took the initiative in scheduling got the “blame” out of the blue. I was told by him that he has to ask for a break from his case to attend “this meeting”. I don’t like it that I made others suffered. 

I didn’t want to meet him face-to-face, but it’s hard to avoid since he’s in office this afternoon. I could really feel my eyes filling up with tears and can’t helped being fidgety when I saw him in person... I felt so sad (even when I’m typing this, I felt my nose turned sour). Even asked me about how’s the strength of the Secretaries, if we are still busy & so. Of course we are... he said he’s going to ask for a personal PA, but not sure if he can get it. He asked me to think about it. Sigh.. do I move? Will it be better, I bet it’s going to be so stressful. Sigh.... 

Ice cream came in time! (Sigh)



Reminiscent Corner:

Jiejie, I will miss you dearly.
I hope you forgive me, didn't fulfill your "wish". I'm very very sorry.
You are the best aunty I ever had. Please look over mummy, she really misses you!
Grandma (Cheng Tng), thank you for staying so long with papa. I will miss you. Please look over papa from where you are.
Big uncle (Toh Ching Choy), you must be a wonderful person that my father adores. Please be happy and healthy in your next phase of life.
Sensei (Mr Daisaku Ikeda), you have taught me what is faith, life and humanity (& more). I will continue sending you daimoku no matter how aching my inner self feels.

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