12 November 2015

Confession to make.

While studying for exams, I was looking at the notes for my health psychology, explaining lots of health illnesses/ diseases, the interventions and coping styles... However, if one day it's going to happen to me. I don't think I can apply what I learn into actions, I probably will use emotion focus coping or the flight response... Running away like a coward. How courageous for those who are dealing with positive attitude and of course those survivors who were left behind by the patients, how much efforts and struggles they had been through. Hmm..



Reminiscent Corner:

Jiejie, I will miss you dearly.
I hope you forgive me, didn't fulfill your "wish". I'm very very sorry.
You are the best aunty I ever had. Please look over mummy, she really misses you!
Grandma (Cheng Tng), thank you for staying so long with papa. I will miss you. Please look over papa from where you are.
Big uncle (Toh Ching Choy), you must be a wonderful person that my father adores. Please be happy and healthy in your next phase of life.
Sensei (Mr Daisaku Ikeda), you have taught me what is faith, life and humanity (& more). I will continue sending you daimoku no matter how aching my inner self feels.

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